Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Charlie Kaufman, Screenwriter, Filmmaker

"Movies tend to be very concrete in their construction of events and characters. It's a tricky medium in which to deal with interior lives. But I think it's really a great medium for it. Movies share so much with dreams, which, of course, only deal with interior lives. Your brain is wired to turn emotional states into movies. Your dreams are very well written. I know this without knowing any of you. People turn anxieties, crisis and longing, love, regret and guilt, into beautiful rich stories in their dreams." ~ Charlie Kaufman, Screenwriter, Filmmaker

Sunday, July 14, 2013

François Truffaut, Filmmaker

"Whatever is said instead of being shown is lost on the viewer." ~ François Truffaut, Filmmaker, Film Critic

Friday, July 05, 2013

Shane Carruth, Filmmaker

"My aim as a filmmaker is, by the end credits, to have delivered an emotional arc—and, hopefully, a somewhat cohesive narrative. My aim is not to sum everything up and make everything that is telegraphing meaning to necessarily be known by the end. I don't shy away from denseness." ~ Shane Carruth, Filmmaker